Equestrian Objects for your Home
Equestrian Objects for your home
A few months ago we had already touched todays topic; equestrian objects to find and buy for our homes.
The article has proven to be really successful among you, that I have collected for you a lot more items dedicated to this beautiful sport.
In today’s article I will also give you a number of ideas to create your own Equestrian DIY objects.
Before reading this the ideas that I am proposing today, i recommend to relook to the previous article, if you missed it, here is the link:
Equestrian Supplies.
Today you’ll find out that there are a range of small equestrian objects that you can create for your home with your horse stables material.
DIY Equestrian Accessories
Equestrian Supplies for your home: Among the accessories to create your own decor for our house we can find:
The brackets with the stirrup leathers that can be placed in the garden or on the porch, just lean them over a small wax candle or to those with batteries to create a country chic effect, of course, in order to have a more realistic effect we’ll need to use it at least 4 or 5 times.
Another equestrian accessory that we can create is the curtain firm: we use two old threads to stop our curtains and the job is done.
Equestrian Accessories and household items
We can use the spray paints to create the wanted effect for our beloved apartments. We can also create a series of paintings with the old bites of our horses.
We seek a passpartout suitable for the furnishing of our house and we shall fix them with the thread and small nails.
We can also use the old horseshoes as hangers for our clothes, of course, once they have been polished, disinfected and colored of the tones we love most.
Equestrian Objects to Buy
After having introduced the DIY objects that can be easily created for our house, I propose a series of equestrian objects already realized that I have selected for you.
A luxurious idea for our tables are the silver napkin ring brackets realized by Ralph Lauren. This accessory will look great on your table, I always use them and can also be used as place holders.
Other equestrian essential objects are the candle holders made by a leather halter and glass to be placed on the furniture at the entrance of your home or on a library.
Essential is also an oil painting representing your horse, maybe you already own one, do you ???